Tag Archives: artist

Everyone is an Artist

Posted by: David

Let’s return to the idea of our minds, our awareness, our thoughts and our inner lives as a force. This force moves our bodies and causes us to act in ways that mirror the thoughts that flow out of our minds. In many ways, these thoughts become manifested in reality, sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly.

Franz Marc, Füchse, 1913.

Franz Marc, Füchse, 1913.

Art is a good example of this. In particular the work of the Expressionists, Modern and Post-Modern artists, the inner thoughts of these artists are revealed in astonishing ways. The truth of their minds is made manifest in reality. These are direct examples of how the mind’s imagery can be turned into reality.

Sometimes suffering or beauty can be hidden or indirectly available in the artist’s work. The scene might be of pain, yet the meaning behind the artwork is a beautiful statement of unconditional love and sacrifice. Tears are just as easily shed in joy as in pain. The opposite is also true.

Most of us aren’t really that aware of what our minds are clutching during our days and nights. And we also aren’t aware that every one of us are artists. Our minds are made manifest in our work and actions.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Philippians 4:8



Filed under Art